
Judges Panel Meeting ROOM

main street venture DIVISION, Panel 2

APRIL 9th FROM 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM

APRIL 9th FROM 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

In this session, your judging panel will watch each pitch video and complete individual feedback.

In this session, your panel will rank each company;s pitch video prior to meeting with the other panel in your division. 

Judges video Chat

REminder: Enable Camera and Audio Permissions to Join Video Meeting

Judging Score Sheet

Judging Criteria

What is the market opportunity? What is the customer problem the venture is addressing or unmet need that the venture satisfies?

Is the target market appropriate and large enough for the business to grow? Is the solution appropriate to the target market? (For non-profits: Is their funding target market appropriate and large enough for them to grow?)

Do they have a clear and appropriate description of how the company will generate revenue? (For non-profits: How will they obtain funding?)

Do they have a well-defined strategy for taking their solution to market?

Does the venture have a unique and sustainable advantage over competitive solutions? Why will customers buy its product or service? (For non-profits add: will the company be able to compete for funding?)

Do the economics of the business work? Are growth projections reasonable and sufficient?

Does the founding team have the skills, commitment, and chemistry to start this business?

Does the presentation have a logical flow and contain the information that needs to be presented?

Are they able to inspire others?

Were the points made in the presentation clear?

Did the presenter(s) convey their passion and enthusiasm for their company?

Judging Schedule

Info Meetings 

April 7th and 8th: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Optional informational sessions hosted by Startup Challenge event management to guide you through the Qualifying Round judging process, schedule, what to expect and where to find assistance.

Individual Scoring

April 7th – 8th

Score individual companies/teams assigned to you and give clear feedback/advice. This should take no more than two hours.

Judges panel Watch Party

April 9th: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM

Viewing all company pitch videos assigned to your panel. Complete any feedback or comments for the startup companies in your score sheet.

Judges panel Meeting

April 9th: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Judges meet within their individual panels to compare notes, discuss, and come up with ranking within panel (all individual scoring should be done).

All-Division Judges Meeting

April 9th: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

All judges within each division will meet to select division finalists.